Bhindi Ki Kheti Kaise Karein? | Complete Guide to Okra Farming""Bhindi Farming: Secrets to a High

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Bhindi (okra) farming can be highly rewarding due to the crop's popularity and demand. Here’s a guide to help you with your content creation:

### **1. Climate and Soil Requirements:**
- **Climate:** Bhindi thrives in warm and humid conditions. The ideal temperature for its growth is between 25-35°C.
- **Soil:** Well-drained loamy or sandy loam soil with a pH between 6.0-6.8 is ideal. The soil should be rich in organic matter.

### **2. Land Preparation:**
- Plow the land 2-3 times to obtain a fine tilth.
- Add organic compost or well-decomposed manure during land preparation to improve soil fertility.

### **3. Seed Selection and Sowing:**
- **Varieties:** Choose high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties like Arka Anamika, Pusa Sawani, or Parbhani Kranti.
- **Seed Rate:** Use 4-5 kg of seeds per acre.
- **Sowing Time:** In the Kharif season, sow seeds from June to July; for the summer crop, sow from February to March.
- **Spacing:** Sow the seeds at a spacing of 30-45 cm between rows and 15-20 cm between plants.

### **4. Irrigation:**
- Bhindi requires regular watering, especially during the flowering and pod formation stages.
- Avoid waterlogging as it can lead to root rot.

### **5. Fertilization:**
- Apply a balanced dose of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) based on soil test results.
- Organic fertilizers like cow dung or vermicompost can be added to enhance soil fertility.

### **6. Weed Management:**
- Regular weeding is necessary to keep the crop free from competition for nutrients, light, and water.
- Mulching can help reduce weed growth and conserve soil moisture.

### **7. Pest and Disease Management:**
- Common pests include aphids, jassids, and fruit borers. Use neem oil or other organic insecticides for control.
- Diseases like powdery mildew and yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV) can be managed through resistant varieties and proper crop rotation.

### **8. Harvesting:**
- Bhindi pods are ready for harvest 45-60 days after sowing.
- Harvest pods when they are tender, typically
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